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0.99 USD

iPaddockRain marks a step change in rainfall recording apps, with some incredibly cool features never before seen in other rainfall apps.

iPaddockRain has A-class Aussie genetics, descending from the highly awarded, cutting edge Yield Forecasting app "iPaddockYield", and out of the same stable as the simple to use but powerful "iPaddockSpray" farm spraying management app.

- Free syncing between all of your iPhones and iPads
- Unique Decile "fuel gauge" calculated for your rainfall so far
- Decile Yield gauge, based on your own stored crop yield history
- Water Use Efficiency calculation on past years
- Super fast entry of past years monthly records
- Easy to read; easy to use
- Print out instant reports from emailed screenshots
- The perfect try-before-you-buy for the powerful iPaddockYield App
- Staff can enter rainfall into iPaddockRain, and it will sync seamlessly with iPaddockYield

If you decide to upgrade to iPaddockYield down the track, the records from iPaddockRain will feed directly into iPaddockYield, meaning you will instantly be getting a live Yield forecast from the moment you decide to download iPaddockYield.

And because iPaddockRain is the sister app to iPaddockYield, as iPaddockYield receives updates and cool new features, iPaddockRain will benefit from them as well! Give up on the back pocket notepad and paper wall charts: iPaddockRain is quicker, better, easier!